In this post,
I will take some existing samples on icefaces and then make it easy to use and mention the environment on which i tested.Hopefully this will save some time for some late night java web developers.
As a short introduction, Icefaces is a render kit for JSF and currently the latest version follows JSF 1.2.To know more about icefaces please refer,
Icefaces Site
I took this tutorial on Icefaces and facelets and wrote a simplified ant script to make it easy for those want to learn about Icefaces.
I took this tutorial from icefaces, i like the aspect of controlling the navigation options from a centralized controller.
Here is where i took the tutorial from,
Dynamic Includes Tutorial
I added my own ant build script and uploaded the tutorial here,
I tested with tomcat 6.0.20 ,ant 1.7.1,Icefaces 1.8.1
Steps To Run it:-
Step 1:- Set the values in,depending on where tomcat is installed.
Step 2: run the build file as follows
/Users/maheshrajannan/Installers/apache-ant-1.7.1/bin/ant -v -f build-dynamic-includes.xml
Step 3: Start Tomcat .Then open your favorite browser to this url
How to run tomcat?
-rwxrwxrwx@ 1 maheshrajannan staff 1956 May 14 03:15 <-- MAc and Unix
-rw-r--r--@ 1 maheshrajannan staff 2097 May 14 03:15 startup.bat <-- for windows
In the next post i will try to do some performance testing of this sample applications.
Happy exploring....
what about the new JSF 2.0? What needs to be done differently to get it working with v2.0?