In this post,
I will take some existing samples on icefaces and then make it easy to use and mention the environment on which i tested.Hopefully this will save some time for some late night java web developers.
As a short introduction, Icefaces is a render kit for JSF and currently the latest version follows JSF 1.2.To know more about icefaces please refer,
Icefaces Site
I took this tutorial on Icefaces and facelets and wrote a simplified ant script to make it easy for those want to learn about Icefaces.
I took this tutorial from icefaces, i like the aspect of controlling the navigation options from a centralized controller.
Here is where i took the tutorial from,
Dynamic Includes Tutorial
I added my own ant build script and uploaded the tutorial here,
I tested with tomcat 6.0.20 ,ant 1.7.1,Icefaces 1.8.1
Steps To Run it:-
Step 1:- Set the values in,depending on where tomcat is installed.
Step 2: run the build file as follows
/Users/maheshrajannan/Installers/apache-ant-1.7.1/bin/ant -v -f build-dynamic-includes.xml
Step 3: Start Tomcat .Then open your favorite browser to this url
How to run tomcat?
-rwxrwxrwx@ 1 maheshrajannan staff 1956 May 14 03:15 <-- MAc and Unix
-rw-r--r--@ 1 maheshrajannan staff 2097 May 14 03:15 startup.bat <-- for windows
In the next post i will try to do some performance testing of this sample applications.
Happy exploring....